
Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Twelve-year-old BFF’s Ginnie West and Tillie Taylor, want to be sisters. Ginnie's widowed dad plus Tillie's divorced mom could equal a lifetime of round-the-clock girl talk and slumber parties. Too bad Dad vowed to never marry again. 

Ginnie and Tillie come up with the perfect scheme to change his mind: ‘Operation Secret Sisters’ (aka OSS). After all, if they can’t get Dad to move on, Tillie can’t move in.

Things get more complicated when Ginnie stumbles across her mom’s hidden journals. Ginnie can finally get to know the mother she doesn’t remember and her dad doesn’t talk about—if Dad doesn’t take them away.

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Did you Know that today, 23 May is Ginnie West's 12th Birthday? What a great way to celebrate her birthday by sharing this book with your friends!

When Monique isn’t writing, you can find her playing taxi driver to one or more of her 12 children, plotting her next novel, scrapbooking, or being the “Mamarazzi” at any number of child-oriented events.

Even though she realizes there will never be enough hours in any given day, Monique tries very hard to enjoy the journey that is her life. She shares it with a terrific husband, her dozen children and 3 in-law kids, eleven granddarlings, 5 cats, and many real and imaginary friends.

She is the author of five published books (and several unpublished ones) and is in two anthologies. You can find more about Monique and her works at: www.moniquebucheger.blogspot.com 

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Saturday, May 23, 2020

Happy Perpetual 12th Birthday to Ginnie and Toran West!

Wow!! I can't believe it's been 4 years since I posted on this blog!!

I am building a new website--but it isn't ready to go live yet-- so I am on this one and I am excited to post the newest news in the Ginnie West series.

Today, May 23, is Ginnie and Toran West's 
perpetual 12th birthday

And the kickoff to the blog tour celebrating making The Secret Sisters Club into an audiobook--my first audiobook EVER!! :) 

It's been a fun and crazy journey bringing the voices in my head to life outside my head and onto the listening device of your choice! :) 

My narrator, Hillary Straga, is very talented at voices --especially accents. She has been a pleasure to work with. 

Here is the blurb to the Secret Sisters Club: 

Twelve-year-old BFF’s Ginnie West and Tillie Taylor, want to be sisters. Ginnie's widowed dad plus Tillie's divorced mom could equal a lifetime of round-the-clock girl talk and slumber parties. Too bad Dad vowed to never marry again. Ginnie and Tillie come up with the perfect scheme to change his mind: ‘Operation Secret Sisters’ (aka OSS). After all, if they can’t get Dad to move on, Tillie can’t move in.

Things get more complicated when Ginnie stumbles across her mom’s hidden journals. Ginnie can finally get to know the mother she doesn’t remember and her dad doesn’t talk about—if Dad doesn’t take them away.

Please join us this week and hop around the internet checking out the blogs that are hosting The Secret Sisters Club. 

Thank you!

Laugh lots ... Love much ... Write on!